Hydraulic power steering is a most comfortable and extremely safe steering system.
It can be connected simply to an existing on board hydraulic system. It operates independently of the propulsion engine. The use of electro-switch i.e. joystick reduces the steering effort to a minimum. Remote control is enabled from any convenient position on board. The number of steering wheel revolutions remains unchanged. In the case of a malfunction of the electro-hydraulic unit the automatic switch to manual steering is possible.
A several different models of reversible power units are available for auto-pilot application with steering cylinders having a volume up to 500cc. They have the same performances as the solenoid-valve units, ensuring a precise and reliable interface with the autopilot software, but with a lower electrical consumption.
These are suggested for all applications where the power consumption is critical, and must be as low as possible.
The unit is composed basically of a reversible electric motor, a reversible hydraulic pump, an oil tank and a filter group. Their dimensions have been reduced, allowing installation in very narrow places.
For the selection of the optimum system, please determine the steering cylinder volume and then choose the suggested model in our table of electro-hydraulic power steering units.
Main Features
- Available in several models for steering cylinder volumes up to 500cc
- Precise and reliable interface with the auto-pilot
- Compact design and reduced dimensions
- Very low electric consumption
The range of power units with solenoid valves includes several models with different characteristics and displacements to satisfy a wide application field on any type of boat.
The system’s major components are an electric motor, a hydraulic pump, an oil tank and an electro-magnetically actuated valve group.
The unit dimensions allow installation in small, narrow areas, and the installation is very easy and fast.
To select the most suitable model, first verify the steering cylinder volume and then select the suggested model in our table of electro-hydraulic power steering units.
For any special application, please contact us for help in the product selection.
Main Features:
- Wide range of models with different displacements to satisfy any application
- Safe and precise interface with any auto-pilot
- Very compact design
- Supplied with electro-magnetically actuated solenoid valves